RestrictStartMenu_HELP="\nEnabling the Start Menu Restrictions will automatically enable the following settings:\nDisable right-clicking in the Start Menu\nForce the Classic Start Menu\nHide Control Panel, Printer, and Network settings\nRemove My Documents icon\nRemove My Recent Documents icon\nRemove My Pictures icon\nRemove Favorites icon\nRemove My Network Places icon\nRemove Control Panel icon\nRemove Set Program Access icon\nRemove Connect To icon\nRemove Printers and Faxes icon\nRemove Help and Support icon\nRemove Search icon\nRemove Run icon\nRemove Frequently Used Program list\nRemove Shutdown button\n\n\nWarning:\n\nDo not apply this template to the Computer Configuration of a Group Policy object. Apply this template to the User Configuration of a Group Policy object that is linked to an organizational unit that contains the user accounts of the shared computers in your environment."
RestrictWindows_HELP="\nEnabling the General Windows XP Restrictions will automatically enable the following settings:\nDisable AutoPlay on CD-ROM drives\nDisable right-click in Windows Explorer\nDisable the Recycle Bin\nPrevent access to the Tasbar\nPrevent access to the Command Prompt\nPrevent access to the Registry Editor\nPrevent access to Printer configuration\nPrevent access to Microsoft Management Console\nPrevent users from locking the worksation\nPrevent password changes\n\nIn addition, enabling the 'Prevent access to some Windows explorer features' will perform the following:\nDisable the Shell Search Button\nEnable the Classic Shell\nDisable Toolbar Customization\nDisable Tray Items Display\n\n\nWarning:\n\nDo not apply this template to the Computer Configuration of a Group Policy object. Apply this template to the User Configuration of a Group Policy object that is linked to an organizational unit that contains the user accounts of the shared computers in your environment."
RestrictOffice_HELP="Enabling Microsoft Office Restrictions will automatically enable the following settings:\n Disable Visual Basic for Applications\n Disable macro shortcut keys\n Disable Tools|Macro menu items\n Disable Tools|Add-ins menu item\n Disable the Web Toolbar\n Disable Detect and Repair from help menu\n Prevent changes and imports to Clip Organizer"
RestrictIExplorer_HELP="Internet Explorer Restrictions"
; StartMenu Restrictions
StartMenu_chkNoRightClickStart="Prevent right-click in the Start menu"
StartMenu_chkForceClassicMenu="Allow only the Classic Start menu"
StartMenu_chkRestrictClassicMenu="Remove the Control Panel, Printer and Network Settings from the Classic Start menu"
StartMenu_chkNoMyDocuments="Remove the My Documents icon"
StartMenu_chkNoRecentDocs="Remove the My Recent Documents icon"
StartMenu_chkNoMyPictures="Remove the My Pictures icon"
StartMenu_chkNoMyMusic="Remove the My Music icon"
StartMenu_chkNoFavorites="Remove the Favorites icon"
StartMenu_chkNoNetworkPlaces="Remove the My Network Places icon"
StartMenu_chkNoControlPanel="Remove the Control Panel icon"
StartMenu_chkNoSetProgramAccess="Remove the Set Program Access and Defaults icon"
StartMenu_chkNoNetworkConnections="Remove the Network Connections (Connect To) icon"
StartMenu_chkNoPrinterFaxes="Remove the Printers and Faxes icon"
StartMenu_chkNoSearchCommand="Remove the Search icon"
StartMenu_chkNoRunCommand="Remove the Run icon"
StartMenu_chkNoFrequentList="Remove the Frequently Used Programs list"
StartMenu_chkNoShutdown="Remove the Shut Down button"
; Windows Restrictions
Windows_chkNoRightClick="Prevent right-click in Windows Explorer"
Windows_chkPreventAutoPlay="Prevent Autoplay on CD, DVD, and USB drives"
Windows_chkNoRecycleBin="Remove the Recycle Bin icon"
Windows_chkPreventWriteDesktop="Prevent users from saving files to the desktop"
Windows_chkWindowsExplorerRestriction="Prevent access to Windows Explorer features: Folder Options, Customize Toolbar, and the My Documents folder"
Windows_chkNoTaskBar="Prevent access to the taskbar"
Windows_chkPreventCommand="Prevent access to the command prompt"
Windows_chkPreventRegistry="Prevent access to the registry editor"
Windows_chkRemoveTaskManager="Prevent access to Task Manager"
Windows_chkPreventMMC="Prevent access to Microsoft Management Console utilities"
Windows_chkNoAddDeletePrinter="Prevent users from adding or removing printers"
Windows_chkRemoveWorkstationLock="Prevent users from locking the computer"
Windows_chkRemoveChangePassword="Prevent password changes (also requires the Control Panel icon to be removed)"
Windows_chkBlockAll="Allow only programs in the Program Files and Windows folders to run"
Windows_chkSysTools="Disable System Tools and other management programs"
Windows_chkDisableNoteWordPad="Disable Notepad and WordPad"
; IExplorer Restrictions
IExplorer_chkNoRightClickIE="Prevent right-click in Internet Explorer"
IExplorer_chkDisableIEFavorites="Do not allow access to Favorites"
General_ForceLogoff="Force logoff after specified number of minutes(Windows SteadyState must be installed)"
General_ForceLogoff_MinutesUsed="Logoff after minutes used: "
General_ForceRestart="Restart computer when user logs off"
; Optional Restrictions Policies
AddStartMenu_chkDisableAllUsers="Prevent programs in the All Users folder from appearing"
AddStartMenu_chkNoHelp="Remove the Help and Support icon"
AddWindows_chkNoSharedDocuments="Remove the Shared documents folder from My Computer"
AddWindows_chkPreventCDBurning="Remove CD and DVD burning features"
AddWindows_chkNoWinKeys="Disable keyboard shortcuts that use the Windows Logo key"
AddIExplorer_chkDisableInternet="Prevent Internet Access from Internet Explorer"
AddIExplorer_chkNoPrint="Prevent printing from Internet Explorer"
AddIExplorer_chkNoHistory="Remove the History button"
; Strings taken from System.adm
NoDrives_Help="Removes the icons representing selected hard drives from My Computer and Windows Explorer. Also, the drive letters representing the selected drives do not appear in the standard Open dialog box.\n\nTo use this setting, select a drive or combination of drives in the drop-down list. To display all drives, disable this setting or select the "Do not restrict drives" option in the drop-down list.\n\nNote: This setting removes the drive icons. Users can still gain access to drive contents by using other methods, such as by typing the path to a directory on the drive in the Map Network Drive dialog box, in the Run dialog box, or in a command window.\n\nAlso, this setting does not prevent users from using programs to access these drives or their contents. And, it does not prevent users from using the Disk Management snap-in to view and change drive characteristics.\n\nAlso, see the "Prevent access to drives from My Computer" setting.\n\nNote: It is a requirement for third-party applications with Windows 2000 or later certification to adhere to this setting."
NoDrives="Hide these specified drives in My Computer"
NoDrivesDropdown="Pick one of the following combinations"
NoViewOnDrive_Help="Prevents users from using My Computer to gain access to the content of selected drives.\n\nIf you enable this setting, users can browse the directory structure of the selected drives in My Computer or Windows Explorer, but they cannot open folders and access the contents. Also, they cannot use the Run dialog box or the Map Network Drive dialog box to view the directories on these drives.\n\nTo use this setting, select a drive or combination of drives from the drop-down list. To allow access to all drive directories, disable this setting or select the "Do not restrict drives" option from the drop-down list.\n\nNote: The icons representing the specified drives still appear in My Computer, but if users double-click the icons, a message appears explaining that a setting prevents the action.\n\n Also, this setting does not prevent users from using programs to access local and network drives. And, it does not prevent them from using the Disk Management snap-in to view and change drive characteristics.\n\nAlso, see the "Hide these specified drives in My Computer" setting."
NoViewOnDrive="Prevent access to drives from My Computer"